Rutland County 4-H Club members had a woodlot improvement contest in 1929. It required boys to improve an acre of forest; sugarbush, hardwood, or softwood. Clarendon's George Squier (1909 - 2011) won 2nd prize and was awarded $8. The article below from the Feb. 27, 1930 Rutland Daily Herald details the incredible amount of work the 1st & 2nd prize winners did. In addition to the $8 prize money, George generated $13 worth of wood that could be sold, offset by his labor that was valued at $12 for 37 hours work. George would not have had today's chainsaws or other labor saving equipment to lessen his labors, but hardy soul that he was, he would live to be 101.
The cover photo is of a logging operating in 1927.