East Clarendon Depot

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Catalog Information

East Clarendon Depot
Accession Number
Date Added
5/28/2017 2:01:36 PM
VT Div for Historic Preservation
Collection Title
1976 Historical Survey
Collection Description
Historic Structures surveyed in 1970's
Search Engine Type
© 2025 Historical Society of Clarendon Vermont, Inc.All Rights Reserved.
Rick Bersaw (2017 photos)

The East Clarendon Depot  is on the National Register of Historic Places.  It was most recently used as a restaurant.  Details of the historic survey are found here.  This building was owned by S. Arthur Todriff at the time of the 1976 historic survey which indicated it was built in the 1880's or 90's.  An article in the Sept. 3, 1889 Rutland Daily Herald indicates the depot had burned that evening which tells us the current structure was built after that point.  The predecessor structure that was also someone's home. 

Change came gradually to how this station was used.  In the 1920's the stock yard was discontinued, in 1937 the milk platform was retired, and in 1939 the carbody used as a tool house was retired.  In 1951 the station was closed altogether and the 1953 the side track itself was discontinued.  The building was subsequently moved about 400' to it present location, likely in conjunction with the rerouting of Rt 103.

The cover photo is from 1920.  Below is a photo from 1969 followed by photos taken by Rick Bersaw in 2017.

The 1996 National Historic register application (see entry in this collection) indicates this structure dates to ca. 1916 which is considerably later than a replacement structure built after the 1889 fire. 

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